Talks Only Online Retreat:
- Orientation and completion sessions, daily talks broadcast to Crowdcast
- Retreat materials
- No silent sittings, small group or interaction opportunities
The Invitation:
The fire of divine love is an intense grace that will burn away all that is not that love, all that keeps us separate. When we allow this grace to enter it enables us to become channels and instruments for the manifestation of this love in the world. Through the grace of a Realized Being, who is already a channel for this divine love, we become ignited, alight in the fire of love. It opens us - step by step - to the mysteries and means of true love as it brings us closer to its source.
"My fire lights your fire. I light the fire of everybody that’s with me. So when you’re with me, you’re on fire. That’s how it is. I draw my fire from the Sat itself, but it also burns the Asat. They are both needed. For the fire to burn you have to have the capacity for the fire to ignite itself in you." ~Sat Shree
The Fire and Heart Immersion is a container of transformation and incubation in the fire of divine love that burns brightly in proximity to Sat Shree, and those that carry his transmission. It is an opportunity to immerse ourselves in the intensity of this love, in this cauldron. It is a chance to renew and rebuild ourselves from the inside out, as a clarifying possibility where what is true and pure in us is revealed. It is an opportunity to remember that we are here to be manifesting channels of this love for the world, and that this is the time to reclaim this truth.
The Fire and Heart Immersion is held in the energetic container of the Third Pillar Program. It takes place in the middle of the program and is facilitated by its participants, and carried by its energy, intention and momentum.
Sat Shree is the spark and holder of this Immersion and will give his direction and sanction to all of its aspects, practical and energetic. He will meet physically with participants at the opening and closing, and at two of the morning meditations. As Sat Shree steps back physically, it becomes our role to step forward, holding and sharing the love and transmission he has ignited in us.
We invite you to join in the possibility for real and lasting change that happens when we gather with the same intention: to allow ourselves to be reshaped by the fire of divine love and become manifesting instruments of the Divine in the world.
"When love becomes a fire, combustion happens. It becomes a passion to burn. It burns all. Then true love is birthed. All that separates us from our love burns, dissolves, becomes undone in this fire. What lights this fire is the Grace. The Sat Guru’s Grace ignites the debris of many loveless lives. When this happens, a tipping point is crossed. We cross the threshold, we step into the void. It is the end of our separative existence. We become the fire. We throw ourselves into it. But we must have prepared ourselves, we must be willing, and passionate collaborators." ~Sat Shree, November 7, 2023, Third Pillar Session 3 Orientation